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Sydney V • June 6, 2021

Fun Facts About Christianity

Fun Facts!

Hello everyone! We're so sorry we didn't get an article out to you guys last Sunday, our CEO had surgery earlier that week, and was taking a break. But now we're back to give you a fun little article! We don't want you guys getting bored of us because of how long our Books of the Bible Series articles tend to be, so we're going to be doing some lighter articles here and there throughout the series, enjoy! 

10 Fun Facts About Christianity:
1) Christianity is the only religion that believes in the Trinity.
2) Christians were originally called Nazarenes.
3) Joseph, Jesus' father, was a carpenter, meaning that Jesus probably learned the practice as well.
4) Jesus was not white, Jews that lived in his time had olive-brown skin.
5) Christianity is the world's largest religion.
6) Approximately 100 million Bibles are sold every year.
7) About 71% of Americans identify as Christian.
8) More than 70 million Christians have been killed for their faith.
9) Jesus had several half-siblings (Mary and Joseph's biological children)
10) Jesus didn't have a last name, neither did any Palestinians.

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